Asset Investment
Minimum 10% in three or
more asset classes
Net Equity Levels
In the range of 10-80%, but
in normal market conditions
the scheme endeavours to
maintain 65-75% equity
Market Captilization
The scheme can invest across
market captilization
Cyclical Approach
Follows counter cyclical
approach and hence is not a
Value or Growth oriented
Sector Deviation
The scheme may take sector
deviation compared to
Yield enhancement strategies
The scheme may take
exposure to REITs, InvITs and
Covered call option with an
aim to enhance portfolio
#The minimum investment in Equity class is 65%. ^The net equity exposure is calculated net of stock futures and options (Notional Exposure). The portfolio of the scheme is subject to changes within the provisions of
the Scheme Information document of the scheme. Please refer to the SID for investment pattern, strategy and risk factors. The as set allocation and investment strategy will be as per Scheme Information Document.
Please refer to the SID for investment pattern, strategy and risk factors.