Net Asset Value (NAV)
NAV is the value of a scheme’s asset less its liabilities per unit.
Purchase Price = Applicable NAV (for respective plan and option of the scheme)
Example: An investor invests Rs 20,000/- and the current NAV is Rs. 20/- then the purchase price will be Rs. 20/- and the investor receives 20000/20 = 1000 units.
Redemption Price
Redemption Price = Applicable NAV (for respective plan and option of the scheme) * (1 - Exit Load as applicable to the investor)
Applicable exit load shall be subject to the tenure of investment of the investor in the scheme vis-à-vis the exit load structure applicable when investor had invested in the scheme.
Example: An investor invests on April 1, 2017 when the applicable exit load for the scheme was 2% if redeemed within 1 year, else nil.
Scenario 1) In case investor redeems before April 1, 2018, then applicable exit load would be 2%. Now suppose the same investor decides to redeem his 1000 units. The prevailing NAV is Rs 25/-. Hence, the sale or redemption price per unit becomes Rs. 24.50/- i.e. 25*(1-2%). The investor therefore gets 1000 x 24.50 = Rs. 24,500/-.
Scenario 2) In case investor redeems on or after April 1, 2018, then applicable exit load would be nil. Now suppose the same investor decides to redeem his 1000 units. The prevailing NAV is Rs 30/-. Hence, the sale or redemption price per unit will be Rs. 30/- i.e. 30*(1-0). The investor therefore gets 1000 x 30 = Rs. 30,000/-.
To know applicable exit load on your investments please write us at